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PRESIDENT'S DAY SALE - Winter Clearance
PRESIDENT'S DAY SALE - Winter Clearance!
ICE-VIBE® does what Ice Can't - Latest Circulation Therapy from Horseware

ICE-VIBE® does what Ice Can't - Latest Circulation Therapy from Horseware

Making life better for horses and riders.

Horseware Ireland focus on making the best for you and your horse. Their Therapy lines, Ice-Vibe®, Sportz-vibe® & Rambo® Ionic, are made to do just that. Use before competition or exercise to help prevent injury and after to speed recovery. We have you and your horse in mind.

Ice-Vibe® therapeutic horse boots combine the effects of cooling and massage therapy to reduce soreness and swelling, help boost circulation and stimulate healing.

Ice alone relieves pain but doesn't promote healing. Horseware Ice-Vibe® Boots do more to prevent, reduce & repair injury.

Cold Packs aid in slowing down inflammation whilst massage panels improve circulation allowing oxygen to reach the tired and damaged tissue. This combination stimulates repair of tendons and ligaments in your horses' legs, hocks and knees. Used before or after exercise on a regular basis, Ice-Vibe® boots can help keep your horse healthy and sound all year round.

  1. Reduces soreness and swelling
  2. Helps boost circulation
  3. Stimulates healing
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